Everytime someone says the word 'respect', the song by Aretha Franklin plays in my head. "R.E.S.P.E.C.T. find out what it means to me…" 😛
On a more serious note; respect is a huge thing for me. I am a strong believer in giving equal, unconditional respect to everyone as best as possible. This can be extremely difficult, however, and living in close quarters with a bunch of girls for a month is going to be stressful and irritating and uncomfortable at times. But I think that if we all agree to show each other the same respect that we desire to recieve from others, then things will run signifcantly smoother. 🙂
I am praying for you all everyday and I am going to start praying that God will teach us how to be respectful of others as well. I think that this is going to be a great learning experience for me and I am looking forward to it!
Much love, Jenna